Configure Data Collection Advanced Settings
The following settings are used when WhatsUp Gold attempts to collect data on the current device.
- . Enter how long (in seconds) you want WhatsUp Gold to wait while collecting data on a device.
- . Enter how many times you want WhatsUp Gold to attempt collecting data after each interval, when the device does not respond.
- This option is relevant to the Disk, Memory, and Interface performance monitors. Select to either determine uniqueness by index or description. Selecting to determine uniqueness by description will prevent interruptions in data gathering should a re-index occur. This option is not relevant for CPUs because all Windows machine CPUs are named "Intel."
- This option allows you to select either the default 32-bit counters, or high capacity 64-bit counters. Most devices support 32-bit counters, but a device with SNMP v2 or v3 counters can use the high capacity counters.